Weekly Update - July 8th, 2021
Good Morning and Happy Thursday Friends! Here's your Weekly Update:
Nicole's Pre-order:
1) Our guest Artist Nicole Reed has designed 4 amazing prints. The pre-order for her prints closes today! Check them out here:
Pre-order Status:
1) Tie Dye Waffle - expected to arrive to the Shear Shop in September. It has been dyed and shipped to us. The vessel is expected to arrive in Vancouver around the 20th of July.
Upcoming Pre-orders:
1) Holiday Round - this round will run either the last week of July or first week of August. Remember, we will ship by air, so this is expected to arrive in October.
2) Plaid Round - this round will run in September ( sorry for the delay with this one we are adding a new base to our portfolio and it’s required some tweaks )
Other Expected Arrivals:
1) Solids Restock - after months in Vancouver it’s moving, (yay!!). Currently showing in Calgary and on its way to us
2) Another Drawstring Restock - arrives on Monday
3) Low Pile Bamboo Fleece Restock
4) New Colors Confetti Jersey Restock
3 Day Sale Update:
We are newly done cutting and have started shipping some small bits. Shipping will start in a big way in the next day or so. We would like to announce that our donation total to the Downie Wenjack fund from the sale is $1247.89. Thank you for all the orders and support and helping us to be able to make this donation.
Therapy Thursday - there is no sale this week but all tie dye will remain 15% - when it’s gone - it’s gone !