Custom Prints

Retail 2025 - UltraSoft - French Terry - Wheat on Tawny - $13.50

R11 Retail - Master/Apprentice Rapport on Cotton Lycra Jersey - $28.00

Retro Round - Retro Stripes - on SWIM - $13.50

Pink Diamonds on Cotton Lycra ( sold by the meter) - $15.00

R11 Retail - Diamond Plate Co-ordinate Euro on Bamboo Lycra Jersey - $14.50

Retro Round - All over Floral Print - Cream - ON SWIM - $13.50

Foil Floral - Bullet Liverpool * Sold by the 1/2 Meter* - $10.00

Retail - Lemonade on Boardshort - $11.25

Retro Round - Floral Double Border Print - Rust on Bamboo Spandex - from $14.00

R10 Child Size Panel - Watercolor Buck on French Terry - $6.00

2021 Easter Custom Poly Rib - Hoppy Easter ( sold by the meter ) - $5.00

Retail - Retro Balls on Breeze - on Double Brushed Polyester (sold by the meter) - $10.00

Clearance - Daddy Rapport ( Adult) - 1 meter rapport on CL and On FT - $10.00

Faux Embroidery - Monster Jam on French Terry - $14.50

Industrial on French Terry

Faux Embroidery - Monster Jam on CL - $14.25

Teal Bunny Childs Panel by Lindsey Kosedy on CL - $7.00

R4 Rustic Floral on Cotton Lycra Jersey - by the 1/2 meter - $13.00

R6 - Salt and Pep on Athletic Knit * Sold by the 1/2 Meter* - $13.50

R10 FH Panel - Hunting Club on French Terry - $15.00

R2/R10 - Feminine Crops on Cotton Lycra Jersey - $14.50

Retro Round - Floral Double Border Print - Cream on CL - $14.00

FH Panel " Dear Santa" on Rustic Burgundy - on FT - $5.00

R9 - Water color Christmas on Blue ( POLY RIB KNIT) - $10.00

R5/R10 - Watercolor Stripes on Cotton Lycra Jersey - $14.50

R7 - " Blue Canvas Stripes " on Cotton Lycra Jersey Knit - $15.00

R9 - Rustic Burgundy Coordinate - on Satin - $9.00

"Midsummer Night " Floral - On Cotton Lycra

R6 Mini Bears on French Terry - $15.00