Weekly Update - Thursday, Dec 14th, 2023

***** WEEKLY UPDATE *****
What's everyone working on for the Holidays?! I've been sewing up these coffee cozies for some teacher gifts - because a) how cute are they?! and b) they fit perfectly on a Tim's cup! It's the soon to be released Warm Winter Collection from Sofiona Designs and includes a tutorial for the adorable snowflakes too!
Here's your Weekly Update:
Saskatoon pick up : last shipment leaves the shop today if you've got last minute orders!
Regina pick up : last shipment on Monday
The Shear Shop will be closed Dec 22nd until January 6th. The website will still be open for orders, but no items will ship as the ladies enjoy the holidays!
- Advents have shipped out! Remember, we'd love to see posts of all the goodies in them after Christmas, in case some of receiving them for Christmas morning :)
- R25 - Grounded Series is printing and expected to ship to us on Dec 25th.
- Next deadline - February 15th
- Waffle restock is on the boat and expected to arrive to us over the holidays!
- Ultrasoft restock is also on the boat and expected to arrive over the holidays