Weekly Update - Thursday, July 25th, 2024

***** WEEKLY UPDATE *****
Detailed update on our simply solids line today, so keep reading!
- Winter Holiday round sneaks are starting to surface! Angela shared our first peek at the round and it's.... Holiday Monster Trucks!!! The run will likely run end of August/ early September, but with air shipping it only takes 4 weeks to get to us.
- Next deadline - August 15th
- Drawstring re-stock is being ordered
- Thread re-stock will also be ordered soon
- SIMPLY SOLIDS: our first restock of CL colours are in Calgary!!! Pick up is arranged for today, so they should arrive to us Friday or Monday. We've ordered our second restock of CL colours, here's the list of them (as long as the supplier has them in stock): crimson, baby blue, ginger, plum, turquoise, purple, mustard, marigold, lavender, dawn, mauve, dahlia, periwinkle, powder pink, sage, heather natural, and robin's egg. We are focusing on the CL line currently and once it is restocked, we will evaluate the FT.
- Coming back strong with......20% off previous rounds & custom prints today!! Have you checked out this section recently? There's some seriously gorgeous prints, some that I don't even remember seeing before!
** Summer store hour modifications - the shop is closed on Fridays. Orders can still be placed, but no cutting and shipping will happen until the Monday :)